Telegram chats from category - Health and fitnessShare!

Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga

Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga

Health and fitness

Welcome to Guru Siyag Siddha Yoga for Spiritual Evolution & Holistic Healing by Kundalini Awakening. #Yoga #Meditation #health #Mindfulness #Spirituality #gurusiyag #योग #स्वास्थ्य #herbal #health_ti
Health and Wellness Tips

Health and Wellness Tips

Health and fitness

Health and wellness tips gives you a better suggestion of daily tips and earning tips and beauty tips for better life.
Free Ayurvedic health counselling

Free Ayurvedic health counselling

Health and fitness

You can view and join @freeayurvedichealthsupport right away.
Darryl D'Souza Channel

Darryl D'Souza Channel

Health and fitness

Darryl D'Souza's posts on wellness of mind, body & spirit, healthy food, healthy farming, integrative natural medicine, environment, sustainability, eco village, covid war, universal law, spirituality & Making New Earth. Webs
Energy Practic Goa

Energy Practic Goa

Health and fitness

Energy Practic открывает филиал Индия, Гоа, Аромболь. Это пространство, синергия мастеров. Йога,тантра, массаж, экстатик, концерты этно музыки. Наша группа : Писать: @EnergyNika @Andreybasbani

Swimming POOL (English)

Swimming POOL (English)

Health and fitness

You can view and join @swimmingpoolofficial right away.
Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury 🇮🇳

Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury 🇮🇳

Health and fitness

Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury is a self-claimed Indian Medical Nutritionist. Along with that, his credentials and claims about medical theories come under the scanner every now and then. Email - info@se
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